Sensory baby brand Etta Loves are releasing their first book, written by BBC Journalist Helen Drew and illustrated by Dan Jamieson. Right Beside Me is a magical tale of a baby learning to see and discovering just how incredible their parents really are.

Etta Loves has been creating sensory magic for little ones through the wonder of science for the past 4 years, and their first book draws on the scientifically proven benefits of reading to your baby from a young age.
Heather Dow, speech & language therapist comments: “Reading to your baby, even before they are born, is hugely important in their journey of speech, language and communication development. It helps build the emerging communication skills of listening, looking, attention, turn taking, vocabulary and social development.”
While babies may not initially understand the concepts and storylines of books, hearing your voice is comforting and, in time, your child will find meaning in the words you are using. Research has shown that children who grow up in homes where they are read to and talked to regularly will have a much greater vocabulary.
What better way to develop all of these skills, than to cuddle up together and share the enjoyment of reading with this expertly designed book, introducing animals and the unconditional love between a baby and their parent. Etta Loves has cleverly incorporated a colour journey through the book in the same way a baby progresses to see the colour spectrum.
This is Helen Drew’s first book and as a mum of two herself, she knows the value of reading to your children.
Right Beside Me £5.99 available 17th February from