· A new study conducted by Vitl has revealed that the number of men seeking help for their mental health is 75% higher than this time last year

· The study was conducted for Men’s Health Week (14th June – 20th June) following up from results found last year, looking into the health habits of men and how this attributes to their mental wellbeing

· Men aged 56 and over were most likely to feel ‘overwhelmed’ or ‘unable to cope’ over the past year

The study was conducted by the team behind personalised vitamin and nutrition service, www.Vitl.com, who asked 2,200 UK men aged 18+ a series of questions relating to their mental and physical health, in light of Men’s Health Week, which is running from the 14th to the 20th June.

One of the most significant findings showed that the number of men reaching out for help for their mental health has increased by 75% compared to this time last year.

Two in five (38%) said they were now receiving some form of counselling for their mental health for the very first time, while 25% said they had reached out to friends and family for support. The remaining 12% said they had reached out to a mental health charity within the last year.

Participants were also asked how active they have been over the last year. Those that reported they exercise once a month or less on average can be seen below, broken down by age group:

· 18 – 25 years old = 32% (of respondents from this age group exercise once a month or less on average)

· 26 – 35 years old = 35%

· 36 – 45 years old = 57%

· 46 – 55 years old = 68%

· 56+ years old = 72%

When the same men were asked how they’ve been feeling over the last year, those that reported having experienced feelings of being ‘overwhelmed’ or ‘unable to cope’, were as follows:

· 18 – 25 years old = 28%

· 26 – 35 years old = 30%

· 36 – 45 years old = 48%

· 46 – 55 years old = 53%

· 56+ years old = 62%

Factors affecting the participants’ mental wellbeing included issues such as anxiety, depression, and underlying negativity towards themselves (poor self-esteem).

Commenting on the findings, Elizabeth Stewart, Registered Associate Nutritionist at www.Vitl.com, said:

It’s encouraging to see that more men are seeking help for their mental health compared to this time last year. Both the pandemic and multiple lockdowns have put a huge amount of pressure on our mental wellbeing and it’s so important that we take action to keep ourselves healthy. Whether that involves seeking professional help or speaking to friends and family, as well as spending time doing activities that bring us joy.

It’s important that we all try to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, including exercising regularly. Exercise supports mental health by helping to reduce anxiety and depression as well as help support cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.